Video: Arguing
When do arguments have value and when are they detrimental? Rabbi Jason and Jodi Holtz explore this theme in the Torah portion Korach
When do arguments have value and when are they detrimental? Rabbi Jason and Jodi Holtz explore this theme in the Torah portion Korach
D’var Torah by Rabbi Jason Holtz delivered on 27 May 2017 at Bromley Reform Synagogue This week, there have been devastatingly bad numbers. Twenty dead, including seven children. The youngest was just 8 years old. Sixty four wounded. This...
This is an audio recording of session 2 of 3 of Introduction to Reform Judaism, taught at Bromley Reform Synagogue on 14 May 2017 by Rabbi Jason Holtz.
Watch Rabbi Jason Holtz and Cantor Janece Cohen talk about Jewish music.