What to expect:  People come to our services for a variety of reasons.  For some, it is to pray to God.  For others, it is to learn about and from Jewish tradition.  Others still see it as largely a cultural and social experience.

In keeping with our progressive values, our synagogue is entirely egalitarian.  Both men and women participate in the service, as well as sit together.

Our prayer services are rooted in Jewish tradition, including both Hebrew and English.

During parts of the service, the congregation will be asked to stand.  For those who have a physical handicap, please feel free to be seated.  It is not rude to do so.

While the worship experience is largely aimed at adults, that is adolescence and onwards, children are very welcome to come.  We have some toys and children’s books to make use of, and we don’t mind a bit of noise!

During the service, there will be both readings as well as music, in Hebrew and English.  Much of the service is designed to be participative and anyone who feels comfortable doing so is welcome to join in.

The centre of the morning worship service is the Torah service, where we read one selection from the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and another selection from one of the Hebrew prophets.  This is usually joined with either a sermon or a discussion.