We hope this finds you well. We are greatly looking forward to our High Holy Days this year especially as our services will all be conducted in our very own synagogue in Highland Road and led primarily by our new rabbi, Laura Janner-Klausner.
As you can see on the table below, Rosh Hashanah falls on the evening of Sunday 25th and the following day Monday 26thSeptember. The evening service will start at 7.30 p.m. and the morning service at 10.30 am. The main service on Rosh Hashanah will conclude soon after 1.00 p.m. Yom Kippur starts on the evening of Tuesday 4th October with the Kol Nidre service at 7.30 pm and resuming the next morning with the service starting at 10.30 am. The Yom Kippur services continue all day until the end of the fast, which this year is at 7.16 pm. The Yizkor (memorial) service in which we remember our loved ones who are deceased will begin at about 5.00 pm and will be followed by the final Neilah service. It is our hope that throughout the day you come and go as needed but return in good time for Neilah, a little before 6.00 p.m., so that we conclude the day as a community together.
Reminder for start of services
Erev Rosh Hashanah | Sunday 25th Sept | 7.30 pm |
Rosh Hashanah | Monday 26th Sept | 10.30 am |
Kol Nidre | Tuesday 4th Oct | 7.30 pm |
Yom Kippur | Wednesday 5th Oct | 10.30 am |
Tickets are not required by synagogue members but please be prepared to give your name at the door for security purposes. Visitors are required to purchase a ticket in advance from Janet Burlem at the Synagogue office and to present it at the door on arrival.
The number of seats available in the synagogue is likely to be insufficient for all attending morning services but there will be additional seating downstairs in the garden room with a screen displaying the bimah upstairs and simultaneous transmission of sound from readers and choir so that everyone present can participate fully in the services. Seats will not be reserved and will be available on a first-come, first serve basis. Our services will also be streamed on YouTube for which a link will be provided nearer the time.
Special services for children aged 6 to 11 years will be conducted by Rabbi Laura on the mornings of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the large classroom downstairs. We do hope you will bring your children on these important days; letters from Rabbi Laura to support their absence from school can be obtained from Janet Burlem in advance.
Car parking in Highland Road and adjacent streets is extremely limited during the day. Space should be available in The Hill Car Park at the top of Beckenham Lane (a short walk from Highland Road) or Bromley North Station Car Park (a little further away). Please allow sufficient time for parking and aim to be in the synagogue before the service begins. If you are able to offer a lift in your car to another person, or to offer hospitality to visitors, either before or after the Fast, please contact Janet Burlem on the Synagogue number.