Through Highlight, Talking Highlight and e-Light we make sure everyone knows what’s going on.

e-Light is our electronic newsletter.  It is sent out weekly and you can subscribe to receive it.

Highlight, the Bromley Reform Synagogue monthly magazine, has been produced continuously with a succession of editors for most of the synagogue’s life.  An archive of back numbers is kept in the synagogue library, while more recent back issues can be found online.

Highlight is also available to the blind and visually impaired in the form of Talking Highlight, recorded on CDs.  In addition to being sent to synagogue members and prospective members, copies of the magazine are sent to MRJ, the Board of Deputies, the Local Studies Department of Bromley Library and past members of the synagogue who wish to maintain their link with it.

The magazine features notices of future communal events, with a particular emphasis on the festivals, and aims to report on past events.  It also lists details of the services for the coming month and there is a day-by-day communal diary for the coming two months.

Highlight is financed from subscriptions, although a small proportion of the cost is met from advertisement income.  Businesses are invited to advertise at a very reasonable charge, and we also welcome small ads in return for a donation.

You can subscribe to Highlight or send contributions to it c/o the synagogue office.

Safeguarding Adults Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy CONTACTS:  POLICE EMERGENCY NUMBER: 999 POLICE NON-EMERGENCY NUMBER: 101 DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING ADULTS LEADS:  Judy Taylor/Caring Communities Lead  07768 961204 or DEPUTY SAFEGUARDING: Moira Murray and Vicky Hart MRJ DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEAD: Sharon Daniels  020 8349 5659 Policy Statement Bromley Reform Synagogue (BRS) believes everyone has the right to live […]

Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures

Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Bromley Reform Synagogue (BRS)   Date: 1 December 2022   Review date: 1 December 2023 Author: Moira Murray   Policy Agreed by: BRS Trustee Board   Contents     Contacts Policy Statement Aim and Purpose of Policy & Procedures       Page 3 – 4   What does Safeguarding […]

25 July 2018

Sadeh Summer Camp. Sadeh, the Jewish farm in Orpington, cultivates community, grows food, and sows the seeds of change. Through the rich and diverse heritage of Jewish farming, Sadeh expresses these values by engaging and reconnecting Jews with their traditions. This year, Sadeh founder Talia Chain and community members, educator, Alexander Antoniou; mindfulness expert, Gidon […]

Discover Judaism

Judaism at its core is remarkably simple: Be a good person and treat others how you would want to be treated. While that is the core, there is much more to learn. We invite you to discover Judaism with us.