01 February, 2025
3:07 pm
Bromley Reform Synagogue, 28 Highland Road, Bromley, BR1 4AD

Tisha B’Av, the 9th day of the Hebrew month of Av, is a time to remember the various disasters that befell the Jewish people over the millennia.  According to tradition, some of these disasters were self-inflicted wounds.  During the First Temple period, many Jews became idolaters.  During the Second Temple period, the Jewish people were divided by sinat chinam, baseless hatred.   At Bromley Reform Synagogue we will have a memorial service with readings from Lamentations.  As Tisha B’Av is a time to reflect upon the challenges facing the Jewish people people, we will also discuss the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.  This movement generally targets Israel and is viewed by some as a completely justified response to Israeli settlements, by others as a completely illegitimate form of anti-Semitism, by others still as an ill-advised but well-meaning meaning group and so on.  Come along, pray, remember, and then take part in this important conversation.