01 July, 2024
10:58 am
Bromley Reform Synagogue, 28 Highland Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 4AD

The Council of Christians and Jews presents: How Nostra Aetate changed everything in the world of inter-religious dialogue.

Fifty years ago the Roman Catholic Church published Nostra Aetate. This document was a turning point in how the Church related to people of other faiths, ending formally the charge of deicide against the Jewish people and calling for an end to all harassment and discrimination on the basis of religion. While parts of the document remain controversial, Jewish-Catholic relations have significantly improved in the last five decades.

Come to Bromley Reform Synagogue to learn more about the document and how it has changed Catholic-Jewish relations in the past fifty years. Our main presenter will be Sister Margaret Sheperd, who is the Director of the Council of Christians and Jews in London. Sister Margaret has a Masters Degree in Theology from Kings College and a Diploma in Jewish Studies from Leo Baeck College.

The panel will also include Rabbi Jason Holtz and a presenter from the Church of England.