Yesterday was our first day of Cheder, and the atmosphere was electric! The children were kept very busy meeting new teachers, seeing old friends, hearing the Rabbi blow his shofar (for a very, VERY long time) and hearing all about what’s going on at Cheder this year. And it was really wonderful seeing all those parents at assembly! Remember that you’re all invited to stay every week. It’s great to have you there as it helps to build community spirit, and it is ‘leading by example’ – showing your kids that Cheder is important to you, too!
So what are all of those wonderful things going on at Cheder, you ask?
- The GREAT SHEMA CHALLENGE: We’re asking all of the children to learn the Shema by heart. If they can get grownups to sponsor them, great! If not, no worries- anyone who can learn the Shema by the end of term will win a prize. And the best news? Parents can join in the challenge too! Please pick up a sponsorship form from Cheder. All money raised will go towards running more children’s events at the Shul.
- There will be a children’s service for the under 12s on Rosh Hashana, Thursday, 25th September. This will take place during the adult service from 10.30-12.30pm. There will be a short prayer and story followed by crafts and games, all on the theme of the Jewish New Year. Schools are legally obliged to release children for religious reasons, so do take advantage!
- A children’s Yom Kippur service will take place on Saturday, 4th of October from 10.30am-12.30pm, also during the adult services.
- There will be a picnic in our Shul’s sukkah after Cheder on Sunday, 12th October from 12.30pm-1.30pm. This is to fulfil the Mitzvah of having a meal in the Sukkah, so please send your kids with a packed (vegetarian) lunch, and we’ll provide something special for dessert.
- 5) Please don’t forget to sign up for Security. If we have no parents on the doors, we cannot run cheder!
Last but not least, if you would like to get involved as a parent, we could really use your help. We all want our kids to enjoy positive Jewish experiences. But these events don’t happen by themselves- parents make them happen. And they will only keep happening if more parents get involved. Joining our Cheder Parents Association could mean anything- from running a service to baking cakes, schlepping chairs, or making dreidles out of clay. So do look out for my email about our coffee morning when we’ll get ourselves organized for the year. Remember, only if you volunteer can these events carry on.
Parents Association
Yom Kippur Service
Picnic in the Sukkah
That’s all for now! Until next month,