The traditional prizegiving at the end of the Cheder year took place on Sunday, 30 June.

Before the main prizegiving event at the Cheder assembly a small graduation ceremony was held in the Gan, where two of the children received their graduation certificates before moving up into the “Big” Cheder in the new Cheder year in September.

A novelty this year was that the Assembly began with music supplied by the Klezmer group formed and led by Joe Parks and this created the happy atmosphere of the prizegiving itself.

Prizes were awarded to children from each class who had made good progress or a special effort or had attended most regularly.

In addition Jack Petchey awards were made to three young people who had made an outstanding contribution to the wider community.

Lastly, presentations were made to Vicki, who is stepping down as head teacher and handing over to Danielle Woodward, and to two teachers who are retiring from their posts. Lili is going to study abroad, while Hayley feels that she needs a break at weekends from her very busy working life.